Tag Archives: election

How do you get more Latinos to vote? CA’s online voter registration

Latinos and Latinas under the age of 35 benefitted the most from California’s online voter registration during the 2012 election cycle, according to a new… more

Online voter registration could be a boon for Latino voters

This post originally appeared in Latinopia. A question that burns on every politico’s mind these days is how to engage more Latinos in the electoral… more

The real winner of the presidential Election: social media

By Gretel A. Perera, Q Communications Group As the Presidential elections come to a close, many of us are giving a sigh of relief. Now… more

Racist post-election tweets concentrated in the South

FloatingSheep did an interesting analysis of racist tweets that preceded and followed the presidential election in the U.S. Turns out the tweets were concentrated in… more

How companies assembled political profiles for millions of Internet users

By Lois Beckett, ProPublica If you’re a registered voter and surf the web, one of the sites you visit has almost certainly placed a tiny… more

CA’s online voter registration may help the Latino vote

California launched online voter register this year and the results have been pretty impressive: 1 million visitors to the site. Online registrants tended to be… more

27% of voters use phones for election info

The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project released a study this week detailing the use of mobile devices for political purposes this election… more

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