Tag Archives: internet

What does the election mean for the Internet?

Public Knowledge wrote an interesting post about what the election means for the future of the Internet. Specifically, the post looked at issues likely to… more

How companies assembled political profiles for millions of Internet users

By Lois Beckett, ProPublica If you’re a registered voter and surf the web, one of the sites you visit has almost certainly placed a tiny… more

Pandora cashing in on Latino listeners

Pandora, the online music streaming service, keeps track of the number of Latinos who are using the platform, and as a result, the company is… more

Super Wi-Fi may increase online access

Super Wi-Fi is a type of wireless Internet signal that is able to reach a much wider area than traditional wireless signals. This technology is… more

Cell data caps may negatively impact Latinos

By Clarissa Ramon, Public Knowledge A recent  survey of adults who use their cell phones to access the Internet found that two in five Latinos… more

1/3 of Latino families have full Internet access

According to some really interesting data tables from the U.S. Census Bureau about computer and Internet use (2010), just 34% of Hispanic households have access… more

Broadband ‘fundamental’ to civil rights

An interesting piece in Politic365 this week highlights a discussion at the “Job Creation and Education: Programmatic Efforts to Increase Broadband Adoption in African American… more

How important is spectrum to Latinos?

As business growth and employment searches rely more and more upon Internet communication – combined with the fact that Hispanics are also among the least employed as well as the most entrepreneurial – wireless communication access will have a significant future economic impact for Hispanics.

Half of U.S. adults use mobile to go online

A study from the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, “Cell Internet Use 2012,” found that 55% of U.S. adults use their cell… more

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