Tag Archives: mexico

How Twitter, social media impacts Mexico’s drug war

Austin, Texas — Twitter, but increasingly Facebook and YouTube, are becoming essential elements to the way ordinary people in Mexico protect themselves from the war… more

Tijuana could be Mexico’s Silicon Valley

There was an interesting piece recently that underscored how Tijuana, and the Mexican state of Baja California, is becoming a center for tech innovation. One… more

In Mexico, Twitter used by few to inform many

A recently published paper by Microsoft employees is taking a close look at Twitter usage during the Mexican drug wars. The paper, “The New War… more

10 up-and-coming Latin American startups

The Next Web had a really interesting list of top Latin American startups to watch in 2013. They created the list not based on monetary… more

What’s the role of immigrant entrepreneurs?

The Kauffman Foundation has released a new publication focusing on immigrant entrepreneurs in the United States. This study shows an interesting array of figures, which… more

Using Google to track Mexican drug cartels

A paper published by academics at Harvard University shows that, using simple and publicly available information, it is possible to track and gather information about… more

Retio: a free app fights drug trafficking in Mexico

By Silvia Vinas, Global Voices Diverse initiatives have arisen in Mexico that use citizen participation to report on the violence caused by drug trafficking, from… more

Help Mexico’s top math student continue her education

You may recall the story of Paloma Noyola Martínez. She’s the 11 year-old who is the  top math student in Mexico, according to the national… more

‘Ponte SMART,’ how Latinos use their mobile phones

If you haven’t heard of Los Master Plus, you’ve been missing out. If you have heard of them, you are going to love their latest… more

Brazilians among most active Facebookers

Brazil topped the list of active countries on Facebook in a recent report from SocialBakers. The U.S., Spain, Colombia and Mexico also made the top… more

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